Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today in documentaries I wish I hadn't watched...

Calm your proclamations external or internal that I am a day late and a dollar short, I know the movie was released in 2007, it just took me a while to get up the nerve to get back in touch with my inner conspiracy theorist. But now that I have allowed myself to fall back into the endless, fruitless task of pondering the depth of the American government's (and the world's) evil, read my thoughts on a film that while not completely believable (nothing but the things we research and find out by our own enterprise should be believed, usually) manages to serve as a thoroughly thought provoking documentary that addresses some issues surrounding 9/11, organized religion and American political, financial and societal systems. Take heed, if you are not allowing your mind to be provoked, they've already won. Who are they? Oh, I think you know!

  Zeitgeist: The movie, which Netflix summarizes as "Peter Joseph's exploration into the controversial links between organized religion, global financial markets and the international power structure", begins with a mildly frightening examination of the foundations of Christianity. The ideas expressed in this segment of the film are troubling since with light research done without typing "similarities between Jesus and Egyptian/ancient gods" reveals that these gods went through many of the same trials as Jesus, were sometimes born in the same manner as Jesus (even on the same date as Jesus), and are tied to the zodiac and its symbols like...Jesus. But no worries, I won't be ranting about the subject of whether Jesus exists or not or whether Christians are a bunch of judgemental loonies (not saying that they are, conversely, many devout Christians are amazing insightful people.) To be honest, my thoughts on religion are very complex, they shift daily, and I'm no theologian. Furthermore, I don't, for whatever reason, feel comfortable making any claims about religion, Jesus, God,  my divine legs, face, or lips on the Internet, so I won't. Except, maybe I'll go on one of my world famous (or at least, blog famous) tangents....right....now.....

Have I mentioned how extremely attractive--no--divinely attractive I am? I should be illegal. If Horus (a god whose story (birth, death, god-like acts) is eerily similar to that of Jesus') were around today, he would give up his day job of basking in the sun's rays and lapping up the adulation of his worshippers to take me out for a steak dinner at J. Alexander's just to lay his bird-eyes upon the magnificence of my countenance.

See what I did there? I shifted your thoughts with conceited proclamations that may or may not be true. I'm being suggestive. I should have a news network.

Anyway...outside the treacherous million mile deep pit of religious discussion, Zeitgeist is a movie that examines the acts of the government in our financial system, our international relations, and our very lives. Zeitgeist takes the well trodden road of revealing secret plots surrounding America's involvement in international wars like all documentaries of this type by suggesting government execution of sinister war maneuvers, exposing the ways in which presidents of years past have manipulated international relations to the point of inciting attacks on American soil, and just might succeed in causing anyone who comes across the film to fear any man that drinks his coffee from a solid gold cup in a Capitol Hill cafeteria.

The specifics of the film are important, and  Peter Joseph makes many good points, but I won't rehash the specifics here other than to state that the ideas presented in the film seem well researched and are presented in a less crackpot fashion than Michael Moore fare. My fear, however, with films of this type is that an impressionable mind (I possess one of those by the way, mine is just so amazing that it is impressionable for mere moments before my amazing research techniques and penchant for disbelief of anything and everything fed to me through screen mediums (screen mediums is what I call anything with a screen. I am speaking to you from a screen medium. Aren't I clever? And cute? Also, how do you like this parentheses within parentheses action? Want more of it? Too bad!) causes me to take everything I may have witnessed with a large hypertension inducing grain of salt) might just take the ideas presented in this film as truth and spew them with reckless abandon to even more impressionable minds, which would be a tragedy.

When I view a documentary like this it serves only to make me more vigilant, discerning and critical of a government that seems to be inept at best and purposely detrimental to American prosperity at worst with only their own gain in mind. With that said I charge you to view this film with an open intelligent mind, and then I challenge you not to hold it as your doctrine, not as your guide to secret American history, (although it would be a good conversation starter at a place like, oh...say the Republican National Convention since many of the politicians placed under a microscope in these films brandish an elephant on their festive buttons)  but use Zeitgeist as a proverbial fire to place under your complacent ass.

Ask questions of your government, cast blank stares at those who seem to think the federal government is full of well meaning, affable men who also happen to be bajillionaires who think of the rights, lifestyles and struggles of the poor and just-making-ends-meet that comprise the bulk of American society. I charge you to take off your blinders and be an active, question asking, letter writing, forward thinking person of this society, because your brainpower is needed and your efforts to be an active participant in the dealings of your government will be appreciated by the entitled yet lovable brats that will inherit this world.

About now, after reading this amazing mind blowing blog post, you're wondering why I titled this rant of epic and well written proportions "Today in documentaries I hadn't watched..." and the answer to that is, old creepy footage of dead eyed politicians doing bad stuff and images of the carnage of war and greed and hopelessness make me sad. Plus, it made me think. I'm an American, I don't like to think. Just kidding, I, like many Americans, love thinking. Yet I can admit that I like to spend my days enjoying lighter fare--however--the light stuff doesn't garner such long, well written and thought provoking posts like this. So thank gosh for documentaries that present palatable fear mongering!!!

In other news, have you seen Dark Knight Rises yet? If you haven't, don't. It was horrible.

Peacy Weacy!!

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